Samsung is a South Korean company that was founded in 1938. While they have had a diverse company background, they are well known for their electronics, which they dove into in the late 1960’s. Their first product had been a black-and-white television.
In 1980, Samsung began to see a great deal of growth with their electronics. It began with them acquiring a telecommunications company, which later became their primary location for developing mobile phones. After the death of the founder and the separation of the company, they adopted the name Samsung Electronics and began to establish a plan to jump to become the leading edge of the electronics industry. Multiple television assembly plants were opened world-wide to begin production. By 1992, they were the largest producer of memory chips in the world, and in 2005 they became the world’s largest producer of LCD panels.
In 2011, their hard disk drive business was sold to Seagate, but that didn’t slow them down. In 2012 they became the largest mobile phone producer in the world. They did have a few bumps when they were responsible for $1.05 billion to Apple for violating patents on their smartphone technology. Though Apple tried to ban the sales of those models, it was denied. In 2014 they invested into building a chip plant in their home of South Korea, even though the type of chip has not been decided as of yet.
Samsung Products we work with include, but are not limited to: